hi, have you fix deathbycaptcha in botchief?
I have suggestion for you, can you make the captcha notification to pop out on my window or at least flashing to notify me while I do something else on my laptop. For now, the manual capthca input form only pop up when botchief is working as active window. Therefore I cannot do anything else while my created bot working, i have to wait the bot do its job until it is time to deal with captcha.
it will be a great feature for those who don't want to pay more for captcha balance.
hi onlygrace, we will improve the manual captcha input as your want.
And if the manual captcha windows show the right captcha image for you? We tested the deathbycaptcha, it is working well for us.
yes, the manual captcha shows the right captcha image for me. Hmm... I'll try it again.
If only you can put some verification that botchief is connected with deathbycaptcha and a function to check how many captcha balance left
hi again, I already retested deathbycaptcha in botchief runner. It's still not working. I set my bot so that evenif deathbycaptcha or user miscorrectly solve the captcha, it will repeat the process of solving again. I already tested using manual captcha, and I intentionally enter wrong captcha solution, and the bot start over again, and show different captcha. Yet when I try using deathbycaptcha, the bot stuck and showing this
2015/02/10 16:41:42 Thread: 1. Task: "create account" failed. Reason: Verification code input error..
I check my captcha balance and still remain $6. What to do now? I am waiting for your response
I'm a rep from DBC and I want to help you out! :)
Please let me know your account username through email (put on the subject WhiteHatBox support) so I can check your account.
Please let me know if you need a hand with anything else.
Best Regards,